Welcome to a new series here on Em by the Sea, I like to call it Bagel Dates. I am going to use them as monthly blog posts to talk about what else is going on in my life. These bagel dates will be a bit more personal than just my outfits, shopping finds and sale finds. I decided to add these monthly post to my blog as a way for you all to get to know me better as well as something that will be a nice thing to look back on years later about different points in my life.
I decided to call this series Bagel Dates because here in New Jersey bagels are practically a food group and going out to get bagels in the morning with friends is practically a weekly thing. At these bagel dates friends catch up about things that are going on in the world and in our lives. So to me these blog series is like we are all sitting in a local bagel store catching up on life and looking back on things that have happened.
As of August 20th I have started my senior year of college, so I am about 2 weeks in and I never imaged I would be doing completely online from my home town. My school left it up to each department to decided how they wanted to handle classes this fall and my department decided to go completely remote. That being said I have four 2.5 hour zoom lectures each week plus clinic. Clinic is over zoom as well which makes sense given the time we are living in. Provided Speech services in person wearing a mask is next to impossible in my mind so personally zoom makes the most sense. I have a handful of client that I have been prepping for and I am excited to see how these sessions go over zoom tonight!
As for the rest of my classes they are just a wonderful time, focusing in zoom for that long of a lecture is hard but luckily the professors give us breaks and some how we make it through it. For the time being I am doing all this remotely, about 3 hours away from my college campus. Which personally to me is so awesome because I have been able to go to class, babysit, go to the beach and of course work on the blog.
I have been home since March and I have been loving it. Allowing me to be able to spend so much time with family, resume old friendships and binge watch way too much Netflix. I have watched Private Practice (A Grey’s Spin off), Sweet Magnolia, Outer Banks, Little Fires Everywhere, New Girl, Hart of Dixie and rewatched Grey’s Anatomy. I have also read some great books and picked up knitting again. My mom started her own little knitting business and she has put me, my aunt and my cousin all to work making stripes for Christmas garland she is selling this fall.
There as been some possible COVID exposures but each time it came back negative, it was my brothers fault since he was working daily and some one at his job tested positive. Luckily he never got it but I feel like at this point in the virus everyone has their own story for how it has effect them and their possible exposures. As I go places like Target or restaurants or anywhere I make sure to wear a mask to protect myself and others. I am getting sick of wearing them but it’s also the least I can do.
Besides Blog, watching TV, and going to the beach I have been babysitting up a storm. That was my summer job this summer, typically I babysit and hostess at a local bar but due to COVID it did not open. Honestly babysitting is so much better! I take a little boy to the poo or beacl 3-4 times a week, which has in away made this summer the best summer since I started having a summer job because I truly had no schedule. I made my own which was really enjoyable.
I started this blog last summer and then fizzled out when school started Covid gave me the time and chance to start it up again and I am so happy it did. It has been growing slowly but I am so excited for the growth it has made. I plan on continue to make great content this fall and I am so excited to start working on fall and holiday post. Em by the Sea hit a big milestone this month, it reach 200 followers on instagram and its so close to 250! It might be small to some but I feel that it is something to be proud of. When I saw that I get so excited.
Thats about it for this first addition of Bagel Dates! I hope you enjoyed and I look forward to continuing with these post each month!