Welcome to my Second Bagel Date, I started this back in the fall planning on writing one a month but with not a lot changing or going on so I spaced them out! Below you will find my year in review as well as my favorites of 2020!
TV and Movies:
- The Vampire Diaries
- The Crown
- Sweet Magnolia
- To All the Boys I loved Before 2
- Grey’s Anatomy
- Spinning out
- Little Fires Everywhere
- J Crew
- J Crew Factory
- Banana Republic
- Vineyard Vines
- Lilly Pulitzer
- Pink Lilly
- Red Dres
- Tarte
Find more of my favorites from 2020 here!
January 2020 was normal compared to the rest of the year. It was filled with the end of winter break, going back to Dallas, Pa to start my spring semester and lots of babysitting. I preformed my first full speech treatment session in clinic with my first little client. I only got to work with her for a about 7 weeks due to covid but she was a great first client. This was the first time I had to put together professional clinic outfits which was an adjustment but looking back here are my first few clinic outfits.
The second “To all the Boys” movie came out on Netflix. I loved the books and loved the movies just as much. As I look back on my original thoughts after watch the second one makes me want to watch them both again. I attended Night to Shine, which is a prom for people with special needs. It is a really fun night of dancing and smiles. One of my favorite events I volunteered at during my time in college.
March was a wild month, it started with spring break the first week where I did some babysitting and going out to dinner. I would hear the news talk about Covid but did not think much of it. Monday March 9th I drove back to school, little did I know we would be sent home by Friday. That week was a weird week full of lots of unknowns. I remember sitting in my research lab with my friend Julia, hearing about all these other colleges closing due to COVID and sending everyone home. I got the email that we were online until Easter on March 11th and drove home from school on March 12th. That last weekend with things still open was the last sense of normalcy for a long time. I even babysat Friday March 13th for a family who a week later ended up having COVID luckily, I did not get it. By the end of the month we found out we were online until the end of the semester. It was a long half a month of the new way of life but little did I know it was just the beginning, The best part of March was starting the blog again! Looking back I am so grateful I fully took the leap and start Em by the Sea up again!
Looking back on April seems like a million life times ago but at the same time it feels like yesterday. It was full of class, simucase, and its of TV. I even rewatched all of Grey’s Anatomy for the second time. Easter was so strange with only my family, little did we know that Thanksgiving and Christmas would end up being the same way. My IRB for my graduate thesis was submitted and I registered for my first semester of graduate classes. April did have much going on, it was kind of the height of quarantine, lots of walks and finding ways to fill my day.
May seemed uneventful looking back. I finished up school, which was no nice, starting teaching the little boy across the lane his online school and continued to work on the blog. The weather was beginning to get nicer allow for more time outside which was very much needed.
June finally some hope, things started opening up, the beach opened up. It was full of car parades for birthdays and retirements. I found out the fall semester was going to look different then expected but at least I had all summer and didn’t have to worry about that until august! The blog hit 100 followers which was a small but large milestone in my book.
My birth month! I turned 21 this year which was wild and made me feel old. We just went to dinner and ate cake which is exactly what I wanted. Sheila Decorated my porch and woke me up by throwing balloons at me which was fun. My friends all came to go to the beach that was a lot of fun it was good to see everyone after such a long time. I moved in to my college house to find out a day later my classes where entirely online. Taylor swift dropped her first surprise album of the year which was amazing.
August presented with growth for the blog, going out to dinner and classes starting. I spent time at the beach, pool and lots of time outside. This summer I was the mot tan I think I have ever been which to most people isn’t that tan but loved it. Classes online where a large adjustment. For a long time they felt kind of fake.
As September came and went I babysat, did school, and enjoyed the last days of warm weather.
October presented with lots of school, babysitting. We went on a leaf peeping drive which was a lot of fun. It was nice to get out and see another part of New Jersey. I also got my new shoes! (more to come on those in the new year!) I finished The Vampire Diaries and loved it! Looking for a show to watch in the New Year I recommend.
The highlight of November might have been when I got accepted to the Like to Know it program. It was a huge step for the blog. Within November classes finished up, Thanksgiving was small and unlike norma. l never imagined that we would have been just use 4 at Easter, then Thanksgiving.
December started with finals that luckily were pretty painless. We decorated for Christmas while listening to Taylor Swift since she dropped a second surprise album of the year. Evermore, her second album, was just as amazing as all the rest. The vaccine started to be rolled out which I am excited to see how it changes the world hopefully for the better. Christmas was a lot of fun even in a new way, we played games and stayed in our pjs all day.
2020 was a year like no other. It will be one I will forever remember it brought highs and lows but in the end I think in some weird way it was exactly what the world needed. I am going to forever look back on this year as something wildly good, especially since it got me to commit to the blog! SO thank you to all of you for reading this and making my blog possible!
Heres to a Happy New Year, full of love. happiness and less quarantines and social distancing!

Check out other Bagel Dates here!