This year started with a lot of unknowns, but in the end it turned out pretty well. Going in to 2021 the next steps of the pandemic were unpredictable, all one could hope was some sense of normalcy. Looking back on the year I had no idea how it how it was going to play out, to be honest I didn’t even have any predications. Life was we knew it started picking up, events resumed, mask mandates were lifted and vaccines were rolled out allowing life to become slightly more normal. It was a roller coaster and seems to continue to be that way but progress has been made. Overall 2021 was full of good times and memories that will never be forgotten. Below is a short monthly recap and my favorite blog post of each month!
Last January, there was not a lot going on, I was baby-sitting everyday, enjoying my time off from school and blogging. I was able to keep up with three new blog post a week and even started two new series. I did one called Sweater Style (check them out here) and weekly What I Would Rather be Wearing (check them out here). Rather be Wearing post started as a way to explore upcoming spring/resort wear pieces that here in New Jersey were still way to cold to wear. I have enjoyed it and continued posting another outfit every Tuesday on the blog, instagram story and LTK.
I did start my last semester of undergrad, which was very exciting, it wasn’t my favorite classes but it was cool to see the finish line! In January I did a lot of babysitting and even in the freezing cold we were playing in the lane and I was searching for the sunniest spot. As for Covid there was a glimmer of hope because by the end of the month my dad got his first shot. I also discovered my love for Trader Joes and all the fun things you can find there that aren’t at the normal grocery store.
Favorite blog post:
Looking back on my Instagram stories, snapchat memories and camera roll February was full of lots of pink, dreams of warm weather, snow and a broken computer. I continued babysitting and working through my classes which were still virtual due to Covid. So being with a broken computer for most of February and working through online class was not a fun time. At one point I thought Apple lost my computer and I was not a happy camper, in the end it was found just delayed due to the snow storm in Texas. We did get a more snow and all the spring lines started dropping making all the online shopping very enjoyable. Some great bloggers dropped lines that were so fun.
Favorite blog post:
They say March comes in like lion and and out like a lamb, or if you New Jersey it is just a roller coaster of weather, one day warm one day cold. Layers are key! I discovered self tanner and had fun perfecting it. If you are ever going to experiment with self tanner the winter months are the time to do it, since if it all goes wrong sweaters and boots cover the errors. Lots of spring outfit planning and enjoying the warm days when they came.
Like the months before I continued with lots of babysitting and being a preschool teacher for her virtual days of school. In my house we got our floors redone and it was supposed to take a day and turned it to about a week without a kitchen. I got my first COVID shot this month which was super exciting as well. Luckily, I had little side effects during the first round. I used to think I dreaded the month of March but looking back the thought of March excites me, the sun coming out, the pockets of warm weather. Honestly I am excited for March 2022.
Favotire blog post:
April started out with Easter Weekend, we went to sunrise mass and went to our favorite restaurant for dinner. My brother was away at school so it was just my parents and I. It was even warm enough that day to eat outside, with a slight heater. A lot happened the week following Easter, I got my second COVID shot the following week with minimal side effects. Which was such a relief after hearing the different reaction my friends had. The following day I started horseback riding lessons which I have continued and enjoyed every much over the last 8 months.
I also discovered Holland Ridge Farms which have the best tulip garden this time of year. I loved it so much I went twice! In April I got my first Nap dress and officially feel in love with it. There were so many transitional ways to wear it with a sweater or jean jacket, until it was warm enough to wear on its own.
Favotire blog post
May started with a large push to finish up classes, followed by graduating from Misericordia University, Magna Cum Laude with my Bachelors degree in Health science. I graduated in my designer heels like I always said I would. When I got home that afternoon my family through a surprise party for me which was so special, some important people were missing but it was one of the first Magrini gathering in over a year so it was awesome.
The Columns (a local bar and restaurant I worked at each summer in college) also opened this month which made the world begin to feel more normal since it didn’t open the summer before. I went back and worked as a hostess. It was nice to be back and see people I haven’t seen in a while and resume friendship from summers past. I also start the torcher of summer classes this month and it was just that torcher. The best day was went we no loner had to wear masks at work that’s when summer really kicked off, besides the fact the Memorial Day weekend was rainy and cold, which included me wearing a turtle neck to work.
Favotire blog post
June was a blur. I went from class to babysitting during the week and then spent my weekends at working at the Columns. I was a monster in some ways, my teacher was not kind and class was in such long chunks it was hard to take in all that information. Come July I was so over every aspect of school I was ready for a much needed break. Other then class Sheila turned 21 and we went out to dinner, had a photoshoot and enjoyed celebrating her! It was one of the only social events I went to that month.
The other was the first large family party to celebrate a christening, which was such a fun day. It is a lot of fun together with everyone and see the babies all together. Not much happened on the blogging front due to class but I did start my partnership with Sarah Flint which has been awesome. The last few days of June I was able to soak in some sun and end up getting a pretty bad sunburn. Which in my life is pretty normal, especially in June. Due to all the school and working I didn’t post a single blog post which is such a bummer.
July started as it always does, with my birthday! I turned 22 this year! I spent the day shopping, getting my nails done and dinner at Marandola’s, my favorite restaurant, with my parents and best cousins Sheila and Ceci. Like Memorial day weekend the Forth of July was full of rain and cancelled fire works due to the rain and worries of large events being unsafe due to social media threats. The crowd at The Columns has changed from old to young making the weekend shifts very interesting.
I ended up with Water intoxication (for the 3 time unbeknownst to me) causing a week of unknown sickness before going to the doctor. Once we figured it out and I increased my electrolytes all was okay and it never happened again! The best night in July was when I meet Sheila and her friends at The Columns for Pat Roddy, we danced and sang and my ears rang for days, Sheila convinced me delta was going to shut down the word again, knowing I needed that little push to get me to come. I am excited to go back this summer for more fun! On top of all the fun I spent most days at the pool doing Canon balls with Ella and chasing them around to make sure they don’t get sunburn!
Favotire blog post
August went fast, like it aways does, its called the Sunday of summer for a reason. My August was full of more pool days, more cannon balls but with a few beach days here and there. Sheila and I went to our annual end of summer dinner, this year we went to Talula’s and ended up peddling swan boats after dinner! A very childish activity but also a lot of fun, we laughed the whole time! Brendan and Sheila lefts to head back to school making the world feel like everything was going back into place. I also submitted what I thought was my only Lit Review for my thesis (fast forward to Oct, I had to rewrite it).
In September I started my first Fieldwork placement prior to Labor Day weekend, I went one day and then couldn’t go back for a week and a half due to some clerical errors. This caused for some stress, but also one more week of summer which was very enjoyable. I worked my last shifts at The Columns which was bittersweet because I am not sure if I will be going back Summer ’22. As much as I complained about it, I did enjoy it.
We had a little family Labor Day BBQ which was a lot of fun, casual but a great way to end the summer. The following week fieldwork was sorted out and I started my time at Central Elementary School learning how to be a speech pathologist in a school. Similar to April I went to Holland Ridge Farms for the Sunflower fields. It was very pretty but I think I liked the tulips better.
Favotire blog post
October was full of long weekdays at fieldwork and babysitting followed up by rewriting my thesis Lit review and studying for my praxis. Wearing a mask and doing speech with kids had a different level of frustration and difficulty, I was quickly aware of how annoying they can be. The big event of October was reentering NYC to meet up with a friend! I took the train in Saturday morning, meet my friend Amanda. We headed over the Hudson Yards and went out on The Edge. Epic views, I definitely recommend if you are down by Hudson Yards.
I took the kids I babysit with me to the horse farm for my weekly lesson and it was so fun seeing them interact with the horse and experience something new. Ella was slightly scared at first but warmed up, I don’t blame her, Denmark is a large horse! By the end of the visit she was no longer scared and even pet the barn cat! Her brother Liam, wasn’t scared and just want to see the horse go to the bathroom. Lucky for him her did and I had to pick it up, the worst part of the whole thing. That week my father had foot surgery which went well but even 2 months later he is still recovering.
Favotire blog post
November seemed to go by in the blink of an eye, it started and end it what felt like one day but also a lot happened. I took and passed the speech pathology praxis exam making me one step closer to graduation and a job. The following weekend I went to DC for the Speech convention were I presented on a group I worked during Senior year clinic. It was a great experience but I had a lot more fun exploring DC with my Cousin, we went to the Warf, Georgetown, the track house and had a lot of fun.
Then I got back form DC and it was Thanksgiving. I was so excited, it was a dream, one large table with 40+ family members eating turkey, laughing and having a great time. The weather was great and the sunset was unbelievable making it a picture perfect day! Just like that the world felt whole again, Covid wasn’t a thing, well at least just for one day.
Favotire blog post
If November felt fast like usual, December was even faster. With all the Christmas prep and activities. I finished up my fieldwork at the school with mixed emotions I was looking forward to time off but I was going to miss my supervisor and the kids I have enjoyed working with all fall. Once fieldwork was over I babysat more, rode the horse, prepared for my spring fieldwork and wrapped all the presents.
13 days before Christmas my brother gets COVID and almost cancelled Christmas but was better and out of isolation just in time for Christmas as normal. He had mild symptoms and felt better half way through is isolation. Christmas Eve dinner was nice and followed by games and Home Alone with my family. Christmas Day dinner was a small fraction of my dads family, we played who is most likely to gift card game I created. It was a hit everyone was laughing. It was a perfect Christmas and my heart was so happy.
To end the year I spent the infamous week between Christmas and NYE relaxing, riding the horse, falling off the horse and looking back on how much better this year went then I could have imagined!
2021 stated similar to the way 2022 is starting and it turned out okay. Here’s hoping 2022 is full of great things just like 2021 was! A toast to 2022 “Here’s to the year past and friends who have left us. Here’s to the present and the friends who are here. Here’s to the New Year and the new friends who will join us”.
With love by the Sea,