Finding the perfect way to organize my closet has been something I have been working on since high school. My closet organization kind of went out the window when I went to college. I have been living at home since Covid hit I finally took the time to revamp my closet. After getting the Home Edit book and watching the entire series I felt well prepared to organize my closet.

Book Summary:
The Home Edit is full of tips and tricks for all rooms in your house. They have two larger stages they suggest when organizing. The first being edit. During this step take everything out of the space you are organizing, create groups and purge. The purge is one of the hardest parts for me. I like to say I have a personal connection to all my clothes. In the book they suggest you ask yourself: “Do I need it” ” Do I ever use it?” “Do I ever want to use it?” “Do I like it?” and lastly “Is it Sentimental?”
Using these 5 questions really help purging becoming less of a head ache. Following the edit you have to put everything back together. They call this the Assembly stage. During this stage you put it all back using product, zones and their signature, color coating everything and labeling. Personally I did not label by drawers but labeling is helpful in other rooms of the house.
I went into my closet with all the things I learned from the book and the show ready to work . I evaluated the space I have which is 6 shelves, 10 drawers, a short and long hanging area. Using the home edits technique of creating Zones on the shelves, in the drawers and hanging areas. Below is a breakdown of each zone!
I have a sweater zone (3 Shelves), a sweatshirt zone (2 shelves) and a vest zone on the last shelf. I folded my sweaters and organized them by color. As for sweatshirts I organized them by hoodie, crewneck and quarter zip. Last up the vest all got folded and stacked in order of use. I grab my navy, white and Patagonia vest the most so I put those on top.
As for the drawers I liked to think of it in a practical order of getting dressed. The top drawer being underwear, bras, and socks, and next to it pants. I figured since everyday you need underwear, Bras, and Socks and most days in the winter I wear pants. Within my underwear draw I use two dividers. These dividers create the perfect organization and areas for the three things in the drawer. Each item has a home allowing for easy upkeep when putting my clean clothes away. I fold and stack my pants front to back. Keeping it this way makes it easier to see all my options.
My next level of drawers is workout, pjs and leggings. I fold all these things the same way I fold my jeans. This allows for me to easily find exactly what I need. Folding it up and down allows for things to get forgotten about. That is why I fold and stack my drawers left to right or front to back.
Between the next 4 drawers is shirt. I have them folded the same way I fold work allowing me to see all. With in the drawers I have nicer shirts organized my colors, sleeve length and stripes. As for the t-shirts I have accumulated over the years, they are organized by sleeve length. One draw fro short, one for long. This collection is way larger then necessary, but I often use them for the beach,
As for my last two drawers one is seasonal, it gets switched with the holidays. It also continues my collection of Vineyard Vine Tees. This allows me to know where my better t shirts are. The final drawer is bathing suits, my favorite. Even though it’s winter in New Jersey I don’t have the heart to store them away. So that bottom drawer will always have my bathing suit.
As for my hanging areas I have two sections. In the short one I have cardigans and tops. In the longer section I have dresses, jumpsuits and more tops.

I am a bag lady, I always have been. I hang all my favorite bags here under my hats. This allows me to easily grab the bag I want when I want. In high school I used these hooks to lay out my 5 outfits I planned for the week ahead. Now that I am not waking up at 6:30 am for school I don’t need to lay out my outfit. Thus the reason my bags are now here.

One thing not in my main closet is shoes. In my room I have another smaller closet that I keep my shoes in. I organize my shoes based on what I wear the most. My Heels are on the highest shelfs, followed by flats, and then booties and sneakers. I love shoes so having them all nicely organized in my closet makes me smile each time I open it!
These are some products I used to help organize my closet!
Closing thoughts:
I switch my closet about two times a year. Once in late September and once in May. I use this transition to reorganize, especially if I let it go a little bit. At this time I also purge, to make room for the next season of shopping! Having an organized closet makes everything easier and faster. One thing I learned over the years of organizing and reorganizing my closet is that you have to find a system that works for you. It may take some trial and error but in the end it is all worth it.
With Love by the Sea,

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