For the longest time I hated sneakers with all my being. For a girl who loved shopping, I would rather die than shop for sneakers. Buying sneakers for gym class was dreadful. Then I went to college and came around to the idea that you can make sneakers fashionable and there are more types of sneakers then just nike running sneakers. Will you ever catch me in jeans and my nikes? The Jury is still out on that one but cute fashionable slip on sneakers definitely. I typically buy a pair every few months and wear them all the time. My latest pair is from Rothy’s. The cool thing about Rothy’s Slip on Sneakers is that they are machine washable and Earth Friendly!
My mom introduced me to Rothy’s last Christmas when she asked for a pair of flats from them. Rothy’s are made from recycled water bottles and machine washable (just remove the mid sole).
The Sneaker:
I purchased The Sneaker from them in deep navy and I love them. They have become my go to sneaker as I go on walks, bike rides, and more this summer. I do wear no show socks with them because sometimes the rub on my pinky toe but other then that I have never had a problem with them. They are extremely comfortable and ad life is starting up again they definitely will be my go to shoes this summer and into the fall.

Here I paired by Rothy’s Sneaker with my dark fringe jeans from Ann Taylor and this new white top from J Crew Factory. . This white square neck blouse is lightweight and perfect for summer. And like my sneakers the shirt will match anything! I have found that they go with almost any outfit almost making them a closet must have.
The Flat:
So I have The Sneaker but my mom has the The flat in the colors Black Solid and Maritime navy. She is a teacher who is on her feet all day and she loves them. She said they never hurt her feet or caused any issues. My mom has been wearing them for almost a year. My mom continues to go back to pulling these flats out as her shoes for countless outfits. She finds it beneficial that she can wash them if they get dirty without messing up the shape. The best part to her is they are fashionable and comfortable. She has paired them with jeans, white jeans and even dresses.
Rothy’s has so many other shoe styles as well as bags. They have a cool story and great shoes that are comfortable so not much more you can ask for. What is your go to slip on sneaker, comment below!

Ps. Let’s connect! Follow @em_bythesea on Instagram
Check out my other Summer shoe favorites here!