I redid my room last summer new carpet, new paint on the walls and of course new bedding. Prior to redoing my room I was blue, green, and white. One wall had stripes, another polk-a-dots, one with my name and the last was the windows with a few polk-a-dots. That room color scheme has been around since 4th grade and I decided it was time for an upgrade.
With this upgrade I choose a light pink wall and a tan carpet. I was so excited to paint my room and make it pink but I was a little nervous since I did not want it to look like a baby’s nursery or Pepto bismol. I was so happy with how it came out. After the paint and carpet are done I picked out new bedding and moved all my furniture back in to my room but then I had to leave for college shortly after. So it took a lot longer to move in and figure out how to organize all my stuff back in my room.
Now a year later I have add a second nightstand, a new desk and a full length mirror and all my clothes are back in the closet in the way I want to. My room is finally back to being the way I like it and a year later I am still loving my bedding.

All the furniture in my room has a story and a past life before it found its way to my room. My 4-Post bed was my grandparents bed as well as my nightstand. My desk, other night stand and Jewelry box was my dad’s cousins first before becoming a part of my room. Lastly my book self was built by my other grandfather. Since I have had the bed and bookshelf since 3rd grade I have worked my room around the dark wood finish on all the furniture in my room.
I have been a fan of Pottery Barn bedding for a long time now. I purchased both duvet covers I took to my dorm rooms from Pottery Barn Teen and Kids. So when I found out Lilly Pulitzer was doing a bedding line with Pottery Barn I was so thrilled. That is when I picked out this quilt I have on my bed followed by the duvet cover for the cold winter nights or the chilly summer nights with the AC. Both my quilt and Duvet are from Pottery Barn Kids but I feel that they don’t look childish and it works even for the bed room of a 21 year old.
As you can see I have pictures on the wall and butterflies hanging from the ceiling. The butterflies were a gift from my Aunt when she lived in Japan and I can’t bring my self to take them down so in the ceiling they stay. As for the pictures the show the faces of my favorite people over the years of us growing up.

Ps. Let’s connect! Follow @em_bythesea on Instagram
Check out my Dorm bedding here!